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North Pole Enterprises request Precision Content Services

Santa.infooverloadThe Christmas spirit has filled the Precision Content Authoring Solutions Inc.’s offices, as we’ve received a message from Mr. Kris Kringle, CEO of North Pole Enterprises requesting our services. We are honoured to be contacted by such a historic and successful operation and we are pleased to have the opportunity to start a business relationship with Mr. Kringle and his team of subject matter elves (SMEs).

(The following internal e-mail from Mr. Kringle, CEO was reproduced with his permission)

December 22, 2015

Dear Precision Content Authoring Solutions,

You probably know me as Santa Clause, but up here at North Pole Enterprises I go by Mr. Kris Kringle, CEO. Anyhow, Jack “Jelly Belly” Fizzletrifle, the Head Elf in Base Site Operations and I would greatly appreciate it if you could assist us with a proper solution for aligning and transforming our critical, high-value operational content and technical documentation – the information that makes our operations tick!

Over the past decades, we’ve made several upgrades to our processes and systems. For example, we implemented Lean Six-Sigma in the workshop, updated the sleigh’s navigation system, and we brought in SharePoint – nicknamed it “the X-mas Files” – to manage internal communications and documentation.

For the most part, these upgrades have been great. Our operations are getting more efficient, but they’ve also gotten more complex. I’m concerned that a lot of our new systems require very specific know-how and that only a few key Elves have this knowledge (we call them “subject matter elves” or SMEs… what do you call them down south?). These SMEs are getting close to retirement and when they leave it will expose us to a lot of risk.

Another major issue is undocumented policies and procedures. Much of our content is really out-of-date and we’re publishing multiple versions of critical policies. Our elves can’t trust the content. Clearly, we need better content governance practices. But who has the time? Do you know how many gifts we have to make in 364 days?!! (Woo, sorry… I get a little passionate about our information management practices. A lot of people don’t realize it, but the North Pole’s operations are less about making gifts and more about managing information about the “Gift Experience” or “GX” … But I digress).

We’ve heard that the good folks at Precision Content Authoring Solutions can help us to transform our existing content to make it easier to find and understand, and you can probably help us document some of our processes, policies and procedures while leveraging the systems we already have in place (our CIO says we’ve already invested in SharePoint so we have to keep it … very budget sensitive). We also heard that you can train our Elves to manage our content! Is this true? If you could help us to clean up our content and then train us on how to maintain and grow the content in a consistent and sustainable manner, I would be one very happy Kanakaloka (that’s what they call me in Hawaii). This would be precisely what we need!

Of course, we’re a little busy right now, but let’s schedule a WebEx with myself and Mr. Fizzletrifle to discuss our content strategy in January. Talk with you then.

Have a wonderful holiday season, Merry Christmas, and Ho, Ho, Ho!

Yours truly,

Kris Kringle, CEO
North Pole Enterprises (A division of Christmas Co.)


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